Riana Pauline Tamba

Dr. dr. Riana Pauline Tamba, SpB, SpBA

Kepakaran: Bedah Pediatrik
Divisi Bedah Pediatrik, Departemen Ilmu Bedah

Data Diri

Dokter Riana Pauline Tamba, Sp.B, Sp.BA merupakan lulusan dokter umum dari Universitas Indonesia tahun 1989, dokter Spesialis Bedah dari Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 1999, dan Spesialis Bedah Anak dari Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2004.

Dokter Riana Pauline Tamba, Sp.B, Sp.BA merupakan Dokter Pendidik Klinis pada Program Studi Ilmu Bedah dengan jabatan fungsional saat ini adalah Lektor.


Publikasi dan Penelitian Pilihan
Top 5 Papers by Citations (SINTA Version)

  1. Role of laparoscopy and ultrasound in the management of “impalpable testis” in children |  Asian journal of surgery 37 (4), 200-204 | vol: | issue : | 2014
  2.  Laparoscopic localization and microlaparotomy for focal isolated perforation in necrotizing enterocolitis: an alternative approach to a challenging problem | Journal of pediatric surgery 46 (2), 424-427 | vol: | issue : | 2011
  3. The use of octyl cyanoacrylate (superglue) in hypospadias repair including its use as a fixator for urethral stents | Journal of pediatric surgery 47 (12), 2294-2297 | vol: | issue : | 2012
  4. Bleeding small bowel cavernous haemangioma following blunt trauma to the abdomen presenting as subacute intestinal obstruction in a child | Case Reports 2011, bcr0820114672 | vol: | issue : | 2011
  5. Rare disease: Bleeding small bowel cavernous haemangioma following blunt trauma to the abdomen presenting as subacute intestinal obstruction in a child | BMJ Case Reports 2011 | vol: | issue : | 2011

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Fokus penelitian

  • Bedah Pediatrik

