Two Lectures FMUI receive best paper award for poster paper in South Korea

The academic community of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) receive another International Scientific Award. Dr. Dra. Ria Kodariah, M.S (Secretary of the Academic Quality Assurance Unit and Lecturer of Pathology Anatomy Department FMUI) and Dr. dr. Nani Cahyani Sudarsono, SpKO (Chairman of the Academic Quality Assurance Unit and Lecturer of Community Medicine Department FMUI) received The Best Paper Award for Poster Paper dari World Federation for Medical Education World Conference (WFME) 2019. The WFME 2019 was held on 7-10 April 2019 at the Grand Walkerhill, Seoul, South Korea.

The World Federation for Medical Education is an organization which actively works to improve the quality of medical education throughout the world. The WFME World Conference is occurred every five years, and has become an important milestone for the development of medical education in the last few decades. One of the achievements was the Edinburgh Declaration on Medical Education in 1988 and the launch of the first edition of the WFME standard for medical education in 2003.

This year’s WFME World Conference carries the theme “Quality Assurance in Medical Education in the 21st Century”. There are 57 countries with a total of 810 participants joined this event. The competition categories consist of Free Paper (Oral) Presentation and Poster Presentation. There are ten free paper presentation topics and nine poster presentation topics.

In that international conference, Dr. Dra. Ria and Dr. dr. Nani presented a poster paper entitled “Internal Evaluation Semester (EVISEM) as Part of Quality Assurance in the Master Program at FMUI 2015-2018” which was incorporated in the C topic “Accreditation of BME, PGME, CPD, and Transition Years.”

That scientific work analyzed the Internal Evaluation Semester (EVISEM), a software belongs to the Academic Quality Assurance Agency (BPMA) UI, which is used to evaluate the performance of study programs through forms filled out by study programs. In that study, Dr. Dra. Ria with Dr. dr. Nani analyzed the implementation of EVISEM in all master study programs in FKUI.

“In the software, there are categories about input, process, and output of a study program. We analyze the relationship between input, process, and output as well as the relationship between the three components with the level of the study program. The study program assesment will be classified into sufficient, good, or very good level. This result will be a reference in evaluating the performance of the study program, whether the study program has carried out the established criteria or not, “said Dr. Dra. Ria

The results of the analysis show that the input and process components are indeed related to output, but the strongest relationship is the process component. “This means, no matter how good the input to the study program is if the process is not going well, the output will be bad. Therefore, the process occurs in a study program is the most important component, which will produce a great output.” She added.

This results are also expected to be an input for study programs, especially master study programs. “In conclusion from our study, we think that it is important to remember that the process is an essential part that must be considered in the management of the study program. Hopefully this may become a good input for study program managers,” She concluded.

In line with Dr. Dra. Ria, Dr. dr. Nani also hoped that their results can be reviewed from various groups to receive new insights. “There are several ways in studying EVISEM. We review it statistically. I hope that in the future, everything we do can be analyzed properly so that we can provide an exact which is calculated statistically, “added Dr. dr. Nani

The achievement made by Dr. Dra. Ria Kodariah, M.S and Dr. dr. Nani Cahyani Sudarsono, SpKO will certainly create a great contribution which is not only to the faculty but also to the University of Indonesia. As part of the UI academic community, we are obliged to continue the development of science and create innovation to make a real contribution in the development of medical education in Indonesia and the world. Therefore, the name of UI will be heard both in national and international scale. This award is expected to be a new inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm for all FMUI academicians.

(Public Relations FMUI)