Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (FMUI) received Mitra Pembangunan Pencerah Nusantara Award from Gerakan Pencerah Nusantara on the public event held by Gerakan Pencerah Nusantara, Wednesday July 17th 2019. The event was held on Auditorium Widya Graha, Indonesian Institute of Knowledge (LIPI), Jakarta. Can be seen on the event, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila F Djuwita Moeloek, SpM(K).
FMUI received an award in the category Research and University Partnership. The award was accepted by the dean of FMUI Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syan, SpPD-KGEH, MMB. Gerakan Pencerah Nusantara (PN) is an organization under Presidential Office Specialized for Millennium Development Goals (KUKP-RI MDGs). But since December 8th 2014, KUKP-RI MDGs transformed into Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI). CISDI is an institution that plays a role in Indonesian national development who produce innovations in the development of health, youth involvement, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
One of CISDI’s program is PN. PN’s purpose was to improve primary care access for people in the problematic area in Indonesia. PN sends health worker teams consisting of doctors, nurses, midwives, and public health expert to problematic areas.
They were sent to work on primary care institutions to work with local stake holders in order to improve the degree of health of local citizens. Therefore, PN partnered up with many other institutions such as the government, private sector, non-government organization, educational institution in order to implement the program they had planned.
PN has been running since 2012, and sent workers to 16 districts, with a total of 262.000 people who received the benefits. During those 7 years, PN has given an opportunity to 222 youths to be able to play a direct role in improving the quality of health service around Indonesia.
FMUI is very proud to be partnering up with PN. FMUI helps PN teams on the planning and implementing stage. We hope this award can inspire and motivate students and teachers to do more social services.
(Public Relations FMUI)