Kanadi Sumapradja

Dr. dr. Kanadi Sumapradja, SpOG(K), MSc

Data Diri


Penelitian dan Publikasi

Top 5 Papers by Citations (SINTA Version)

  1. Anti-mullerian hormone as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for PCOS patients Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 31 (10), 1311-1316 | vol: | issue : | 2014
  2. Chronological age vs biological age: an age-related normogram for antral follicle count, FSH and anti-Mullerian hormone Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 30 (12), 1563-1567 | vol: | issue : | 2013
  3. Depression and its link to other symptoms in menopausal transition Middle East Fertility Society Journal 23 (1), 27-30, 2018 | vol: | issue : | 2018
  4. Umbilical cord derived stem cell culture: multiple-harvest explant method Int J PharmTech Res 6 (4), 1202-8 | vol: | issue : | 2014
  5. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause in five Asian countries: results from the Pan-Asian REVIVE survey Climacteric 20 (4), 367-373 | vol: | issue : | 2017
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