COVENT-20, Low Cost Transport Ventilator Invented by Universitas Indonesia

To help deal with Covid-19, several researchers from the University of Indonesia (UI) developed a Pneumatic System Based Low-Cost Local Transport Ventilator (COVENT-20). This multidisciplinary research is conducted by academics, especially from Faculty of Engineering UI (FTUI), and Faculty of Medicine UI (FKUI) and the Universitas Indonesia Hospital, Health Polytechnic by the Ministry of Health (Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Jakarta), the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, and the Persahabatan Hospital chaired by Dr. Basari, S.T., M. Eng.

This work is expected to meet the needs of ventilators for hospitals in Indonesia, particularly hospitals that are referenced for handling Covid-19 patients since Indonesia does not have local ventilator product so far that can meet domestic needs while the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the whole world, there was a limited supply of imported ventilator and only 70 ventilator distributors who can supply ventilators in Indonesia.

The research is focused on Ventilator Transport, because of several things: the availability of more local spare parts, suspected and Covid-19 positive patients who experience respiratory failure need a transport ventilator for travel from home to hospital, and an adjustable ventilation multimode, needless to say, it is more cost-effective in production, energy-efficient (energy saving with lithium-ion batteries), compact, portable, and easy to operate using a bacterial filter so that it is safe for suspected and positive patients of Covid-19 to travel from home or observation room to isolation room.

Multimode ventilation used on this ventilator is a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) mode system for COVID-19 suspected patients who are usually still conscious and need oxygen for the lungs. While the CMV (Continuous Mandatory Ventilation) mode is used for Covid-19 positive patients with symptoms of severe pneumonia who cannot regulate their breathing, so it needs to be controlled by CMV mode (time-triggered). This ventilator is also equipped with PEEP (Positive End Expiratory Pressure).

COVENT-20 was declared to have passed human clinical trials for CMV (Continuous Mandatory Ventilation) and CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) modes by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, on June 15, 2020, and 300 pieces of COVENT-20 ventilator will be distributed to more than 180 COVID-19 referral hospitals and hospitals throughout Indonesia through a donation scheme.