Department of Parastiology

General Information

Parasitology is a discipline of biology that learns about all parasites. With the current development of science, the scope of parasitology is now limited to protozoa, helminthes, arthropoda and parasite insects including zoonosis or antroponosis. This scope also includes taxonomy, morphology, life cycle, as well as pathology and epidemiology of disease caused by parasites. Parasite is an organism that survives by depending to the host and causes the host harm. Predator also causes harm to the other organism, but usually predator’s size is much bigger. Parasite, although causes harm to the host, does not intend to kill the host because parasite’s existence considerably depends on the host.

By realizing the impact of parasite to the human life, prevention and control of disease are essential. Hence, there is a need to understand knowledge about the full life cycle of the parasite. The aim of parasitology teaching is to educate about parasite’s life cycle as well as the epidemiology of the disease caused by parasite. By learning about parasite’s life cycle, we would understand when and how the infection occurs. Subsequently, the epidemiology of the disease would reflect the prevention and controlling of the disease.

Department of Parasitology FKUI was established in 1950 by Dr Lie Kian Joe and his assistant Dr. Lie Injo Luan Eng as well as two other laboratory assistants, Tohir and Sudirman. They were previously staff in Department of Pathology under the supervision of Prof. G. Bras.

In the year of 1954-1955, some expert s in biology were recruited as assistants. The first thesis was first presented in 1956. Department of Parasitology FKUI actively develop research and started the research activity with Filariasis research in collaboration with the Minsitry of Health. The results of the research are published in the national and internal journal as the Department of Parasitology FKUI is recognized by the public. The department received grant from China Medical Board to build separate building, which previously is an opioid factory at Salemba. The Government of Indonesia also financially supported the construction.

In 1967, the collaboration with SEAMEO (South East Asia Medical Education Organization) was started amd FKUI is appointed to be the Regional Centre for Community Nutrition (SEAMEO TROPMED-RCCN) where Department of Parasitology FKUI actively participates. The staffs of the department are invited to teach and conduct examination in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Saigon as the Selection Committee of SEAMEO TROPMED fellowship up to 2003.

In 1975-1976, collaboration in eradication of Helminthic infection with JOICEF (Joint Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning) was established by the initiative of Perkumpulan Pemberantasan Penyakit Parasitologi Indonesia (P4I) which pioneered by senior staff from Department of Parasitology FKUI.

In 1979, Department of Parasitiology FKUI obtained Strengthening Grant, TDR/WHO for 5 years that consists of two components, which are building immune-parasitology unit and training grant. The training grant, up to this point of time, is developed with collaboration with foreign institutions including

In 1979 Department of Parasitology get Institutional Strengthening Grant, TDR/WHO in five year, terdiri dari 2 komponen, yaitu: membangun unit imuno-parasitologi dan Training grant yang dalam pengembangannya hingga kini menjalin kerjasama dengan institusi asing yaitu Mill Hill University London, Imperial College London, New England Biolab, Boston USA dan Smith College, Northampton, USA, University of Leiden, University of Glasgow, Scottish Parasite Diagnostic Lab, UNICEF  and CDC Atlanta. Domestic partnerships are developed with Biomedis Litbang Kes and other departments in FKUI. In the same year, postgraduate study in Biomedicine with Parasitology specialization was established.

In 1988 to now, Department of Parasitology has been developed with 19 permanent staff and several research assistants. Department Parasitology is actively developing education, research and public research. In education, program for Specialist in Clinical Parasitology is established. The research topics of interest include immuno-parasitology and opportunistic infection. The public service of parasitology laboratory is standardized according to the accredited Scottish Parasite Diagnostic Laboratory, UK.

The Department of Parasitology is headed by Prof. dr. Saleha Sungkar, DAP & E, MS.

Vision and Mission

Vision: To be the referral centre of Parasitic Disease in South East Asia


– To spread the knowledge of parasitic disease through education and laboratory research in various levels of education for medical and non-medical professionals.
– To conduct research and extend collaboration with other education/research institutions in Parasitology and parasitic diseases.
– To conduct public service in form of standardized laboratory diagnosis as well as research and consultation of parasitic disease

Protozoology: Intestinal Protozoa & Malaria

Public Service

  1. Agnes Kurniawan, dr, PhD
  2. Agus Aulung, Drs, MS
  3. Anna Rozaliyani, dr, SpP, M.Biomed
  4. Hendri Astuty, Dra, MS
  5. Heri Wibowo, Dr, Drs, M.Biomed,
  6. Inge Sutanto, Prof, Dr, dr, M.Phil
  7. Is Suhariah Ismid, Prof, dr, DTM&H
  8. Lisawati Susanto, dr, M.Kes
  9. Mulyati, Dra, MS
  10. Nadar Sukri, Drs, MS
  11. Noenoek Purwaningsih, Dra
  12. Rawina Winita, Dra, MS
  13. Retno Wahyuningsih, Dr, dr, MS
  14. Ridhawati, Dra, MS
  15. Rizal Subahar, Drs, MS
  16. Robiatul Adawiyah, dr, SpP, M.Biomed
  17. Saleha Sungkar, Prof, dr, MS
  18. Sri Wahdini, dr, M.Biomed
  19. Taniawati Supali, Dra, Dr,
  20. Widiastuti, Dra, MS
  21. Zulhasril, Drs, DAP&E, MS

For more information, please contact:
Department of Parasitology
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430
Tel. +62-21-3102135
Fax. +62-21-39832018