Achmad Fauzi Kamal

Kepakaran :
Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi

Alamat :
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430

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» Index Scopus
» PD Dikti
» Repository Kepustakaan

  1. Kepala Puskesmas Negara Batin, Lampung (1996-2000)
  2. Staf Medik Departemen Medik Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi RSCM (2007-Sekarang)
  3. Tim Penguji Ujian Institusi Kandidat Orthopaedi (2011-Sekarang)
  4. Kepala Divisi Onkologi Orthopaedi, Program Studi Ilmu Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi (2011-Sekarang)
  5. Tim Penguji Patologi Anatomi Ujian Nasional Board Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi, Kolegium IOT (2011-Sekarang)
  6. Wakil Ketua Modul Muskuloskeletal, FKUI (2011-Sekarang)
  7. Koordinator Administrasi dan Keuangan Departemen Medik Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi, RSCM (2011-2015)
  8. Kepala Seksi Onkologi, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi Indonesia (PABOI) (2012-2014)
  9. Sekretaris, Perhimpunan Tumor Muskuloskeletal Indonesia (Pertumsi) (2013-2016)
  10. Ketua Penilitian Second Congress Indonesia Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Pertumsi (2013-Sekarang)
  11. Manajer Umum, FKUI (2015-2017)
  12. Komisi Kurikulum Kolegium IOT (2016-2019)
  13. Ketua Perhimpunan Ahli Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi DKI Jakarta, PABOI (2016-2019)
  14. Ketua Cluster Spine, Knee, and Shoulder RSCM Kencana, RSCM (2018-Sekarang)
  15. Anggota Senat Akademik FKUI (2018-Sekarang)
  16. TPMI Prodi Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi FKUI, Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi FKUI RSCM (2018-Sekarang)
  17. Koordinator Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi FKUI RSCM (2018-Sekarang)
  18. Staf Khusus Direktur Pengembangan dan Pemasaran Direktorat Pengembangan dan Pemasaran RSCM (2018-Sekarang)
  19. Tim Assesor Beban Kerja Dosen di FKUI (2018-Sekarang)
  20. Ketua Perhimpunan Ahli Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi DKI Jakarta, PABOI (2019-Sekarang)
  21. Anggota Kredensial Kolegium IOT (2019-Sekarang)
  22. Tim Penjaminan Mutu Akademik FKUI (2019-Sekarang)
  1. Wisudawan Cum Laude Program Doktor (S3) FKUI, 2012
  2. Juara Pertama Penelitian Kategori PPDS, S2, dan S3 bidang Biomedik, Pagelaran Penelitian FKUI, 2012
  3. Dosen/Tenaga Pengajar Terbaik FKUI, Pilihan Mahasiswa Periode Bulan Oktober 2013
  4. Penghargaan Insentif Publikasi Internasional, dengan judul Lipoblastoma and Lipoblastomatosis of the Lower Leg, RSCM-FKUI, 2014
  5. Penghargaan Insentif Publikasi Internasional, dengan Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Recombinant Human BMP-2 and Their Combination in Accelerating the Union after Osteotomy and Increasing the Mechanical Strength of Extracorporeally Irradiated Femoral Autograft in Rat Models dipublikasikan Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI) 2015, ESCM-FKUI, 2014
  6. Penghargaan Insentif Publikasi International, dengan judul Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressive: Difficulty in Diagnosis and Management a Case Report and Literature Review, RSCM-FKUI, 2015
  7. Penghargaan Insentif Publikasi International, dengan judul Bilateral Iliopsas Haemophilic “Soft Tissue Pseudotumors”: A Case Report, RSCM, 2015
  8. Penghargaan Insentif Publikasi Internasional, dengan judul Pelvic Haemophilic Pseudotumor, RSCM-FKUI, 2015
  9. Penghargaan Insentif Publikasi Internasional, dengan judul Correlation between Survival and Tumour Characteristic in Patients with Chondrosarcoma, RSCM, 2015
  10. Penghargaan sebagai Role Model Shadowing pada Modul Pengembangan Karakter Mahasiswa Kedokteran, FKUI, 2018
  11. Penghargaan: Recognition of an Outstanding Contribution to the Quality of the Journal oleh Journal Pharmaceutical Research International, 2019
  12. Penghargaan: Recognition of an Outstanding Contribution to the Quality of the Journal oleh Asian Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2019
  13. Hibah Penelitian Dasar Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi. Penilaian Efektivitas dan Sitoksisitas Terapi Ajuvan Kimia Lokal pada Giant Cell Tumor Tulang secara in Vitro. 2019
Sample Description
  1. Kamal AF, Philippi BB, Rahardjo E. Fisiologi syok hemoragik: peran cairan salin hipertonik pada syok hemoragik pascatrauma. J Ilmu Bedah Indones. 2003;21:34-47.
  2. Kamal AF, Simbardjo D, Dilogo IH. Fiksasi eksterna unilateral one plane double threaded bar: pengaruh jarak antara bar dan tulang terhadap gaya pembebanan kompresi aksial pada tulang tibia sapi. MOI. 2005;33:95-102.
  3. Kamal AF, Arminata IW, Hutagalung EU. Giant cell tumor jaringan lunak. Maj Kedokt Indon. 2007;57:404-7.
  4. Kamal AF, Prabowo Y, Hutagalung EU, Budiatmoko B, Gumay S, Muthalib A. Epiphyseal preservation surgey in distal femur osteosarcoma. Maj Kedokt Indon. 2009;59.
  5. Kamal AF, Nagieb M, Hutagalung EU, Budiatmoko B, Gumay S, Muthalib A. Ewing sarcoma of the left big toe with trans-articular skip lesion. Med J Indones. 2009;18:139-44.
  6. Kamal AF, Soendoro S, Hutagalung EU, Wiguna LA. Solitary synovial osteochondroma of the knee. Maj Kedokt Indon. 2009;59:232-5.
  7. Kamal AF, Putro RNH, Pattiata R. Diagnosis and treatment of ewing sarcoma. J Indones Orthop. 2011;39.
  8. Kamal AF, Ismail I, Mi’raj F, Hutagalung EU. Outcomes of Stage IIB osteosarcoma treated by limb salvage surgery using extracorporeally irradiated (ECI) autograft. Med J Indones. 2011;20:131-7.
  9. Kamal AF, Susworo R, Hutagalung EU, Ismail IH, Siregar NC, Yusuf AA, et al. Basics of radiation: radiation mechanisms and its effect to dna and bone. Literature Review. Ind J Cancer. 2013;7:41-78.
  10. Kamal AF, Hutagalung EU, Susworo R, Dilogo IH, Siregar NC, Husodo K. Limb salvage surgery pada keganasan primer tulang. J Ilmu Bedah Indones. 2013;41.
  11. Kamal AF, Iskandriati D, Dilogo IH, Siregar NC, Hutagalung EU, Susworo R, et al. Biocompatibility of various hydroxyapatite scaffolds evaluated by proliferation of rat’s bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells: an in vitrostudy. Med J Indones. 2013;22:202-8.
  12. Kamal AF, Hutagalung EU, Gumay S, Prabowo Y, Yanuarso Y. Primary malignant giant cell tumor of the patella: report of a rare case. Med J Indones. 2013;22:238-42.
  13. Kamal AF, Iskandriati D, Dilogo IH, Siregar NC, Hutagalung EU, Yusuh AA, et al. Comparison of cultured mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow of peripheral blood of rats. J Exp Integr Med. 2014;4:17-22.
  14. Kamal AF, Wiratnaya IGE, Hutagalung EU, Prasetyo M, Kodrat E, Widodo W, et al. Lipoblastoma and lipoblastomatosis of the lower leg. Case Rep Orthop. 2014;2014:582876.
  15. Kamal AF, Sukrisman L, Dilogo IH, Priyamurti H, Qomaruzzaman MN. Pelvic haemophilic pseudotumor: a case report. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2014;22:263-8.
  16. Kamal AF, Dilogo IH, Hutagalung EU, Iskandriati D, Susworo R, Siregar NC, et al. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells, recombinant human BMP-2, and their combination in accelerating the union after osteotomy and increasing, the mechanical strength of extracorporeally irradiated femoral autograft in rat models. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2014;28:129.
  17. Kamal AF, Novriansyah R, Rahyussalim, Prabowo Y, Siregar NC. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive: difficulty in diagnosis and management a case report and literature review. J Orthop Case Rep. 2015;5:26-30.
  18. Kamal AF. Sacral Tumor: Experience in a Single Institution. Indonesia J Cancer. 2015;9:23-9.
  19. Kamal AF, Widodo W, Situmeang A, Kodrat E, Prasetyo M. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the formarm: a diagnostic dilemma and surgical management. eJKI. 2015;3:60696.
  20. Kamal AF, Sugito W, Prabowo Y, Siregar NC, Prasetyo M, Widodo W. Aggressive recurrent giant cell tumour of distal ulna with pulmonary metastatis: a case report. Int J Cancer Tumor. 2015;2:59-65.
  21. Kamal AF, Djaja YP, Kodrat E, Salamah T. A Modified buttockectomy as a limb salvage procedure in ischicum osteosarcoma: a case report. Indonesia J Cancer. 2015;9:89-95.
  22. Kamal AF, Pradana AS, Prabowo Y. Bilateral iliopsoas haemophilic “soft tissue pseudotumours”: a case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015;13:19.
  23. Kamal AF, Maska H. Schawannoma nervus ulnaris. Indonesia J Cancer. 2015;9:133-8.
  24. Kamal AF, Husodo K, Prabowo Y, Hutagalung EU. Correlation between survival and tumour characteristic in patients with chondrosarcoma. J Orthop Surg Res. 2015;23:365-9.
  25. Kamal AF, Husodo K, Prabowo Y, Hutagalung EU. Chondrosarcoma: nineteen years experience in developing country. J Orthop Surg Res. 2015;23:365-9.
  26. Kamal AF, Waryudi A, Effendi Z, Kodrat E. Management of aggressive giant cell tumor of calcaneal bone: a case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016;28:176-181.
  27. Kamal AF, Widyawarman H, Husodo K, Hutagalung EU, Rajabto W. Clinical outcome and survival of osteosarcoma patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital: limb salvage surgery versus amputation. Acta Med Indones. 2016;48:175-183.
  28. Kamal AF, Simbolon EL, Prabowo Y, Hutagalung EU. Wide resection versus curettage with adjuvnt therapy for giant cell tumour of bone. J Orthop Surg Res. 2016;24:228-31.
  29. Kamal AF, Aprizal R, Prabowo Y. Simple bone cyst managemen: percutaneous steroid injection versus curetted with hydroxyapatite. Indonesia J Cancer. 2017;11:71-6.
  30. Kamal AF, Putra A, Widodo W. Vascularize fibular graft as a surgical option for osteosarcoma of distal humerus: a case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2017;39:280-4.
  31. Kamal AF, Pitarini A, Prabowo Y. Megaprosthesis limb salvage surgery: outcome and challenges in treating advanced bone tumour cases in vast archipelago in Indonesia. A case series. Int J Surg. Open. 2018;11:30-6.
  32. Kamal AF, Prasetyo RA. Association between laboratory laboratory markers and oncological outcomes in patient with osteosarcoma-a review of osteosarcoma treatment in Indonesia. Formos J Surg. 2018;51:111-7.
  33. Kamal AF, Pranatha DY, Sugito W, Rahman F, Susanto E, Mariya S, et al. Isolation, culture, and characterization of cancer stem cells from primary osteosarcoma. Open Stem Cell J. 2018;5:1-13
  34. Kamal AF, Simorangkir D, Oesman I. Osteosarcoma of the talus treated with extraarticular resection “total talectomy” and reconstruction using fibular bone graft: a case report. Ann Med Surg. 2018;35:33.
  35. Kamal AF, Ajiantoro, Prabowo Y. Simple bon cyst treated with percutaneous steroid injection. AJPCR. 2018;11:186-90.
  36. Kamal AF, Wahyudi M, Prabowo Y. Outcomes of pelvic resection from malignant pelvic tumors. A case series. Int J Surg. Open. 2019;16:34-9.
  37. Kamal AF, Rubiansyah P. Clinical outcome of various limb salvage surgeries in osteosarcoma around knee: megaprosthesis, extracorporeal irradiation, and resection arthrodesis. Ann Med Surg. 2019;42:14-8.
  38. Kamal AF, Luthfi APWY. Diagnosis and treatment of Langerhans cell histiocytosis with bone lesion in pediatric patient: a case report. Ann Med Surg. 2019;45:102-9.
  39. Kamal AF, Setiawan E, Wardoyo S. Gigantic giant cell tumor of the anterolateral rib treated with wide resection. Formos J Surg. 2019;52:183.
  40. Kamal AF, Halomoan Siahaan OS, Fiolin J. Various dosages of BMP-2 for management of massive bone defect in sprague dawley rat. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019;7:498-505.
  41. Kamal AF, Waryudi A, Kurniawan A, Lubis AM, Gatot D. Various surgical treatment of hemophilic pseudotumor: a case series. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019;7:514-22.
  42. Kamal AF, Muhamad A. Outcomes of en bloc resection followed by reconstruction of giant cell tumour aroind knee and distal radius. A case series. Ann Med Surg. 2020 Jan;49:61-6
  43. Kamal AF, Aprilya D. Early stage fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive: a case report. Radiol Case Rep. 2020;15:167-74.
  1. Yanuarso, Kamal AF, Hutagalung EU. Elbow reconstruction for distal humerus osteosarcoma by using extracorporeal irradiation autograft. Maj Kedokt Indon. 2007;57:95-102.
  2. Isma SPP, Kamal AF, Gumay S. Efek Iradiasi 50, 150, dan 300 gray terhadap gambaran histopatologis, kekuatan mekanik terhadap gaya aksial dan bending, serta vickers microhardness, sebuah uji eksperimental pada femur kambing. J Indones Orthop. 2011;39:87-91.
  3. Mahadhipta H, Kamal AF. Role of scaffold’s biocompatibility in influencing comminuted fracture healing in Sprague dawley rats. J Indones Orthop. 2013;41:15-8.
  4. Winanto ID, Kamal AF, Prabowo Y, Yusuf AA, Prasetyo M. Role of sterile lyophilized amniotic membrane in treatment of fracture with bone defect: Experimental  study on sprague dawley. J Indones Orthop. 2013;41.
  5. Arianni M, Kamal AF, Prasetyo M, Kodrat E. The effect of bone morphogenetic protein-2 and hydroxyapatite granules on the incorporation of autoclaved femoral autograft in sprague-dawley rats. J Indones Orthop. 2013;41:1-8.
  6. Asmara AAGY, Kamal AF, Siregar NC, Prasetyo M. Effect of autoclave devitalization on autograft incorporation and bone morphogenetic protein of tibia in sprague-dawley rats. Med J Indones. 2014;23:74-8.
  7. Wiratnaya IGE, Kamal AF, Pattiata R, Kodrat E. The effect of autoclave to physical properties and histopathology of bone: a basic study of reconstruction. Indonesia J Cancer. 2014;8.
  8. Wahyudi M, Kamal AF, Siregar NC, Prasetyo M. Effect of extracorporeal irradiation on segmental bone autograft incorporation in sprague-dawley rats. Med J Indones. 2014;23:147-53.
  9. Fauzi A, Kamal AF, Kurniawan A, Kodrat E. Role of Sildenafil in acceleration of delayed union fracture healing on sprague-dawley rats model. Br J Med Med Res. 2015;8:419-28.
  10. Dilogo IH, Kamal AF, Gunawan B, Rawung RV. Autologous mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) transplantation for critical-sized bone defect following a wide excision of osteofibrous dysplasia. Int J surg Case Rep. 2015;17:106.
  11. Wangge G, Saldi S, Kumaheri M, Prabowo Y, Sastroasmoro S, Kamal AF. A quality-weighted pooled analysis of single proportions: a case study of infections in modular endoprosthesis implant: 526. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2015;23:365-9.
  12. Giarso P, Kamal AF, Siregar NC. Accuracy of core needle biopsy for musculoskeletal lesion in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta. eJKI. 2016;23:8-14.
  13. Husodo K, Kamal AF, Yusuf AA. Effect of providone iodine and hydrogen peroxide on fracture healing: a histomorphometric study on rats. J Orthop Surg Res. 2016;24:245-9.
  14. Gunawan B, Dumastoro R, Kamal AF. Trauma and injury severity score in predicting mortality of polytrauma patients. eJKI. 2017;5:161-8.
  15. Asdi ARB, Kamal AF. Low-grade intramedullary osteo-sarcoma presenting with multiple sclerotic bone lesions. Radiol Case Rep. 2018;13:1042.
  16. Widodo W, Fahrudhin M, Kamal AF. Joint reconstruction using sternocleidomastoid tendon autograft as a treatment for traumatic posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint: a case report. Trauma Case Rep. 2018;18:8.
  17. Soemarko DS, Rahmasari F, Kamal AF, Cahayadi SD, Herqutanto. Hallux valgus among sales promotion women wearing high heels in a department store. J Orthop Surg Res. 2019;27:1-6.
  18. Siregar NC, Abdullah A, Kamal AF. Gluteal region spindle cell variant embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in infant treated with buttockectomy. Hum Pathol. 2019;15:105-9.
  19. Rahyussalim AJ, Supriadi S, Kamal AF, Marsetio AF, Pribadi PM. Magnesium-carbonate apatite metal composite: Potential biodegradable material for orthopaedic implant. AIP Conf Proc. 2019;2092:020021.
  20. Andriandi, Kamal AF. Survival rate of multiple myeloma patients in Indonesia: a retrospective study in multiple myeloma at a single institution. Ann Med Surg. 2019;41:11.
  21. Prabowo Y, Kamal AF, Latief W, Ramang DS, Daniel V, Liastuti LD, et al. Epidemiology of orthopaedic injuries at the local hospital following earthquake in Palu, 2018. J Orthop Trauma Surg Rel Res. 2019;14:41-4.