Study with Us


Engaging global minds, creating better health

Offering international health students the chance to study at Indonesia’s most prestigious and oldest medical school.

Undergraduate Program

Graduate Program

Residency Program

Sample Testimonial Title

My elective experience at your Faculty was incredibly enriching. The supportive environment, coupled with highly knowledgeable and approachable faculty members, helped me develop both clinically and academically. The diverse case exposure and hands-on opportunities made my training exceptional. I highly recommend this program to anyone seeking a comprehensive and immersive learning experience abroad

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thai
University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

My experience at RSCM Kiara has been invaluable. From meeting some of the best physicians in Indonesia to connecting with patients from rural areas, every day was an opportunity for learning and compassion. My biggest takeaway from this elective has been observing doctors seamlessly integrate cultural awareness into good medical practice to provide patient-centred care, and this has now given me a new goal to strive towards as a medical student and upcoming doctor.

Murshidah Albakri
the University of Queensland, Australia
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Senin - Jumat 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
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