Saptawati Bardosono

Ilmu Gizi

Alamat :
Departemen Ilmu Gizi
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430, INDONESIA



Index Scopus:

  1. Piagam Penghargaan Bakti Karya Husada Dwi Hindu (2002)
  2. Tanda Kehormatan Satyalencana Karya 20 Tahun (2002)
  3. Penghargaan Penulis Makalah Terbaik Pertama Kelompok Community Research. Medical Journal Indonesia (2009)
  4. Best Asia Poster. Nutrition and Cognition Symposium (2010)
  5. Penghargaan Periset UI Produktif dalam Publikasi di Jurnal Internasional (2002)
  6. Penghargaan Staf Pengajar FKUI (2013)
  1. Dokter Dinas Kesehatan Dati II Fak-fak (24 Juni 1980)
  2. Kepala Puskesmas Kaimana, Dinas Kesehatan Daerah Tk. II Fak-fak (1 Oktober 1983)
  3. Direktur Umum Rumah Sakit Kalabahi, Alor, NTT (20 Oktober 1986)
  4. Kepala Bidang Penyusunan Program dan Tenaga Kesehatan Provinsi, Timor-Timur Dili (31 Maret 1990)
  5. Dosen Poltekkes Depkes Bandung (12 Desember 2003)
  6. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (1 April 2003)
  7. Koordinator Penelitian Departemen Ilmu Gizi FKUI (2004-2008)
  8. Sekretaris Program Studi Ilmu Gizi Departemen Ilmu Gizi FKUI (2005-2009)
  9. Ketua Perhimpunan Dokter Gizi Medik Indonesia (PDGMI) cabang DKI Jakarta (2005)
  10. Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Gizi S3 Departemen Ilmu Gizi FKUI (2006-2010)
  11. Sekretaris Jendral Perhimpunan Doktor Gizi Medik Indonesia (PP-PDGMI) (2008)
  12. Anggota Yayasan Kanker Indonesia, Bidang Penelitian dan Registrasi Kanker (2011)
  13. Sekretaris Perhimpunan Nutrisi Indonesia/Indonesia Nutrition Association (2011)
  14. Pengurus Pergizi Pangan Indonesia Bidang Pendidikan, Pelatihan & Pelayanan (2013)
  15. Pengurus Inti Unit Riset Kedokteran/Medical Research Unit, FKUI (2010-2014)
  16. Ketua Indonesian Hydration Working Group, FKUI (2012-2014)
  17. Pengurus Human Nutrition Research Cluster IMERI- FKUI (2014)
  18. Editor World Nutricion Journal (2017)
  1. Penulis. Gizi Sehat Untuk Perempuan. Balai Penerbit FKUI. 2006
  2. Kontributor. Pedoman Pemenuhan Kecukupan Gizi Pekerja Selama Bekerja. Direktorat Jenderal Bina Kesehatan Masyarakat Departemen RI. 2009
  3. Penulis. SUSU: Berbagai Sumber Nutrisi Pertumbuhan Anak. 2010
  4. Penulis. 50 Tanya-Jawab Seputar Kehamilan, PT Intisari Mediatama. 2010
  5. Penulis. Air Bisa Cegah Dehidrasi (Untuk Sekolah Dasar dan Anak Pra-Sekolah). 2014
  6. Kontributor. Sejarah 50 Tahun (Perkembangan Ilmu Gizi di FKUI). Balai Penerbit FKUI. 2014\
  7. Penulis. Panduan Nutrisi Perikonsepsi. 2015
  8. Editor. Kemanan Bahan Tambahan Pangan (Perspektif Industri Makanan dan Minuman). Balai penerbit FKUI. 2017
  9. Penulis. Aspek Budaya, Nutrisi dan Kesehatan Masakan Manado. Perhimpunan Nutrisi Indonesia. 2018
  10. Penulis. Kesehatan Pencernaan Awal Tumbuh Kembang yang Sehat. UI Press. 2018
  1. Bardosono, S, Morin C, Guelinckx. I, Pohan. R. Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: Drinking for Two?. Annals of Nutritioon and Metabolism. 70(1): 13-17. 2017
  2. Bardosono, S, Pramusinto. D, Hardiati. D.R, Purwaka. B.T, Morin. C, Pohan.R, Sunardi. D, Chandra. D.N, Guelinckx. I. Fluid Intake of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women in Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Survey with A Seven Day Fluid Specific Record. Nutrients. 8(11).651.1-11.2016
  3. Bardosono, S. Maternal Micronutrient Deficiency During the First Trimester Among Indonesian Pregnant Woman Living in Jakarta. eJurnal Kedokteran Indonesia. $(2). 76-81.2016
  4. Bardosono, S, Monrozier. R, Permadhi. I, Nuruk. R.M.M, Pohan. R, Guelinckx. I, Total Fluid Intake Assessed with a 7-day Fluid Record Versus a 24th Dietary Recall: A Cross-over Study in Indonesian Adolescents and Adults. European Journal of Nutrition. 54. 17.25. 2015
  5. Bardosono, S, Sutanto. L.B. Manfaat Probiotik dalam Mendukung Kesehatan Bayi dan Anak di Indonesia. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. 65(12). 624-628.2015
  6. Bardosono, S, Sunardi. D. Functional Constipation and Its Related Factors Among Female Workers. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, 61(3). 126-129.2011
  7. Bardosono, S, Ilyas. E. Effect of a sis-month iron-zinc Fortified Milk Supplementation on Nutritional Status, Physical Capacity and Speed Learning Process in Indonesia Underweight School Children: Randomized, Placebo-controlled. Medical Journal of Indonesia, 18(3). 193-201. 2009
  8. Bardosono, S. Determinants of Child Malnutrition during the 1999 Economic Crisis in Selected Poor Areas of Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 16(3). 512-526. 2007
  1. Nainggolan. L, Bardosono. S, Ilyas, E.I.I. The Tolerability and Effecacy of Oral Isotonic Solution versus Plain Water in Dengue Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Indian Journal of Community Medicine. 43(1). 29-33. 2018
  2. Osaki. K, Hattori. K, Toda. A, Mulati. E, Herman. L, Pritasari. K, Bardosono. S, Kosen. S. Maternal and Child Health Handbook Use for Maternal and Child Care: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Study in Rural Java, Indonesia. Journal of Public Health. DO110. 1093/pubmed/fdx175.2018
  3. Dewanto. E.FN, Firmansyah. A, Sungkar. A, Dharmasetiawani. N, Sastroasmoro. S, Kresno. S.B, Suradi. R, Bardosono. S, Prasetyo. D. The Effect of Bifidobacterium Animalis Lactis HNO19 Supplementation Among Pregnant and Lactating Women on Interleukin-8 Level in Breast Milk and Infant’s gut Musocal Integrity. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 26(3): 204-11.2017
  4. Sari. T.T, Akib. A.A.P, Gatot. D, Harahap. A,R, Bardosono. S, Hadinegoro. S.R.S. Pneumococcal Vaccination for Splenectomized Patients with Thalassemia Major in Indonesia.Vaccine. 35(35B). 4583-4586. 2017
  5. Wibowo. N, Bardosono. S, Irwinda. R, Syafitri. I, Putri. A.S, Prameswari. N. Assessment of The Nutrient Intake and Micronutrient Status in The First Trimester of Pregnant Women in Jakarta. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 26(2). 109-115. 2017
  6. Sekartini. R, Chandra. D.N, Arsianti. T, Bardosono. S, Wiguna. T, Schaasfma. A. An evening Milk Drink can Effect Word Recall in Indonesian Children with Decreased Sleep Efficiency: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutritional Neuroscience. 1-10. May 2017
  7. Chandra. D.N, Bardosono. S, Wasito. E, Aryati. Indonesian Independently Practice Midwives Response Towards Pregnant Women Nutrition Android Application: A Qualitative Study. APCCN 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition. 2017
  8. Kurniati. A.M, Sunardi. D, Sungkat. A, Bardosono. S. Assosciation of Maternal Body Composition and Nutritional Intake with Fat Content of Indonesian Mother’s Breast Milk. Paediatrica Indonesiana. 56(5):297. 2017 Tahun 2016
  9. Widodo. A.D, Tirman. I.S, Bardosono. S, Winarta. W, Prasetyo. D, Firmansyah. A. Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficienct in Malnourished Children and Those with Persistent Diarrhoea. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 25(Suppl1). S57-S61. 2016
  10. Hidayanti. H, Bardosono. S, Khusun. H, Damayanti. R, Kolopaking. R. A Social Cognitive Theory-Based Programme for Eating Patterns and Sedentary Activity Among Overweight Adolescents in Makkasar, South Sulawesi: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 25(Suppl1). S83-S92. 2016
  11. Chandra. D.N, Bardosono. S. The Effect of Fiber-Rich Milk and Equi-Carbohydrate Snack on Glycemic and Insulin Response and Satiety Feeling. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 25(2). 85-91. 2016
  12. Anggraini. R, Februhartanty. J, Bardosono. S, Khusun. H, Worsley. A. Food Store Choice Among Urban Slum Women in Associated with Consumption of Energy-Dense Food. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. DOI: 10.1177/1010539516646849. 2016
  13. Gandy. H.J, Martinez. H, Guelinckx. I, Moreno. L.A, Bardosono. S, Salvado. J.S, Kavouras, S.A. Relevance of Assessment Methods for Fluid Intake. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 68(Suppl2): 1-4. 2016
  14. Hariani. R, Bardosono. S, Djuwita. R, Sutandyo. N, Kumala. M, Sungkar. A, Sekartini. R. Diet and Estradiol Level in Adolescent Girls. 56(3). 134-8. 2016
  15. Pego. F.C, Guelinckx. I, Moreno. L.A, Kavouras. S.A, Gandy. H, J, Martinex. H, Bardosono. S, Abdollahi. M.E, Nasseri. A, Babio. J.N, Salvado. S. Total Fluid Intakes and Its Determinants: Cross Sectional Surveys among Adults in 13 Countries Worldwide. European Journal of Nutrition. 54. 35-43. 2015
  16. Guelinckx. I, Iglesia. I, Botting. J.H, De Miguel-Etayo. P, Gonzales-Gil. E.M, Salas-Salvado. J, Kavouras, S.A, Gandy. J, Martinez. H, Bardosono. S, Abdollahi. M, Nasseri. E, Jarosz. A, Carmuega. E, Thiebaut. I, Morena. L.A. Intake of Water and Beverages of Children and Adolescents in 13 Countries. European Journal of Nutrition. 54(Suppl2). 69-69. 2015
  17. Guelinckx. I, Pego. F.C, Moreno. L.A, Kavouras. S.A, Gandy. J, Martinez. H, Bardosono. S, Abdollahi. M, Nasseri. E, Jarosg. G.MA, Carmuega. E, Babio. N, Salvado-Salas. J. Intake of Water and Different Beverages in Adults Across 13 Countries. European Journal of Nutrition. 54. 45-55. 2015
  18. Sari. T.T, Gatot. D, Akib-Arwin. A.P, Bardosono. S, Hadinegoro-Sri. R.S, Harahap. A.R, Ponpon. S, Indjradinata. S. Immune Response of Thalassemia Major Patients in Indonesia with and without Splenectomy. Acta Medica Indonesiana. 46(3). 217-225/ 2014
  19. Kumala. M, Bardosono. S. Masalah Gizi Ganda pada Remaja Usia 15-19 Tahun di Lima Wilayah Jakarta. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. 64(1). 2014
  20. Sekartini. R, Wiguna. T, Bardosono. S, Novita. D.C, Arsianti. T, Calame. W, Schaafsma. A. The Effect of Lactose-Isomaltulose Containing Growing-up Milks and Cognitive Performance of Indonesian Children: A Cross-Over Study. British Journal of Nutrition. 110(6). 1089-97. 2013
  21. Wibowo. N, Purwosunu. Y, Sekizawa. A, Farina, A, Tambunan, V, Bardosono. S. Vitamin B6 Supplementation in Pregnant Woman with Nausesa and Vomitting. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 116(3). 206-210. 2012 Tahun 2011
  22. Purnamasari. D, Bardosono. S, Moersadik. N, Sukardji. K, Tahapary. D.L. Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: Clinical Practice Guidelines of The Obesity Clinic, Wellness Cluster Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Journal of The ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies. 26(2). 117-121. 2011
  23. Ernawati. T, Bardosono. S, Sekartini. R. Serum Folate Levels Among Healthy Infants Aged 6-8 Months: Relation to Infant’s Nutritional Status Indicators and Maternal Knowledge-Attitude-Practice. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 20(2). 138-42. 2011
  24. Kusumadewi. D, Bardosono. S, Sekartini. R. Dietary Iron Intake, Serum Ferritin and Haemoglobin Levels and Cognitive Development Scores of Infants Aged 6-8 Months Old. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 20(1). 46-9. 2011 Tahun 2010
  25. Kolopaking. R, Bardosono. S, Fahmida. U. Maternal Self-Efficacy in The Home Food Environment: A Qualitative Study Among Low-Income Mothers of Nutritionally at Risk Children in An Urban Area of Jakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour. 43(3). 180-188. 2010
  26. Sutanto. L.B, Bardosono. S, Sunardi. D. Pengaruh Pemberian Formula MPASI Tinggi Protein terhadap Status Pertumbuhan Bayi Usia 6-8 Bulan. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. 60(11). 2010
  27. Then. A.H, Bardosono. S, Harahap. I.P. The Effects of Indisgestible Dextrin and Phystosterol on Serum LDL-Cholesterol Level on Hypercholesterolemic Subjects. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 18(2). 77-144. 2009
  28. Sutanto. L.B, Basuki. E, Bardosono. S. Teknik Komunikasi untuk Mendapatkan Informed Consent pada Suatu Penelitian. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. 59(6). 2009
  29. Rianita, Bardosono. S, Victor. A.A. Relationship Between Plasma Lipid Profile and The Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 17(4). 221-5. 2008
  30. Archadi. E, Irawati. A, Kusharisupeni, Bardosono. S, Kresnawan. Pengukuran Status Gizi Ibu Hamil dan Ibu Menyusui dengan Metoda Antropometri. Nutrire Diaita. 1(1). 2008
  31. Tani. J, Widjaja. I.R, Tedja. I, Pratomo. I.P, Siagian. I, Fahri. I, Amri. Z, Bardosono. S. Association Between Dieatry Intake of Vitamin A, C and E as Antioxidants and Cognitive Function in The Elderly at A Nursing Home. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 16(4). 261-6. 2007
  32. Yussac-Muhammad. A.A, Cahyadi. A, Putri. A.C, Dewi, A.S, Khomaini. A, Bardosono. S, Suarthana. E. Prevalensi Obesitas pada Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun dan Hubungannya dengan Asupan serta Pola Makan. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. 57(2). 2007