Two Professor from Faculty of Medicine has been inaugurated

Again, UI inaugurated 2 Professors from Faculty of Medicine at 10 AM in IMERI FKUI Ballroom, UI Salemba Campus. The Rector of UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met led the ceremony which inaugurates Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Iman Santoso, SpOG(K), MPH from Obstetrics and Gynecology Deparment FMUI and Prof. Dr. dr. Ratna Sitompul, SpM(K) from Ophthalmology Department FMUI

At that time, Prof. Budi delivered a speech with the title “BUDI IMAN SANTOSO ASSESSMENT (BISA): A model to predict pelvic floor muscle trauma in women after normal delivery,” and Prof Ratna delivered a speech with the title “ACADEMIC-BASED HEALTH SYSTEM: Education, Research and Health Service Transformation in Indonesia to Create Stronger National Health System”.

This event was attended by The Ministry of Health Indonesia Prof. Dr. dr. Nila F. Moeloek, SpM(K); Previous Ministry of Health in 1998-1999, Prof. Dr. dr. Farid Anfasa Moeloek, SpOG(K); Previous Ministry of Industry Indonesia in 2009-2014, MS. Hidayat; and General Director of Science and Technology Resources Ministry of Research, technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc, PhD.

During his inauguration speech, Prof Budi scoring system which he called BUDI IMAN SANTOSO ASSESSMENT (BISA). BISA is a model to predict pelvic floor muscle trauma in women after normal delivery. To be a mother, a woman should be through a  delivery phase, whether it is via vaginal delivery or caesarean surgery.

Normal vaginal delivery has been known that it collates with damage in pelvic floor muscle, especially the levator ani muscle. This muscle is one of the main muscle which construct the pelvic floor area. The damage in levator anis muscle will cause a dysfunction in pelvic floor area, which is known as pelvic floor dysfunction.

Pelvic floor dysfunction may result in clinical manifestations such as peeing on the bed, involuntary poop, prolaps uteri and sexual dysfunction which then lead to a decrease in quality of life of a woman, whether physically, spiritual, as well as community and society.

Since the is a high level of delivery rate in Indonesia, there will be a need for scoring system to predict pelvic floor muscle damage due to normal delivery. If the scoring system stated that the patient has a low risk for pelvic floor muscle damage, it is safe for the mother to do a normal delivery.

As it is important, Prof Budi hoped that BISA system can be introduced to medical education so that medical student could identify a tear in pelvic floor and its effect for mother with normal delivery as well as how to do a safe normal delivery.

“Not only in medical education, BISA system should also be introduced to other health care professional to control the pelvic floor damage, whether is in primary, secondary or tertiary health care facility.” He said.

In addition, Prof Ratna also suggested her idea to improve health service in hospital all over Indonesia. During her inauguration speech, she said “In most of the countries, Teaching Hospital is a group of the best hospitals in the country which deliver high quality services together with their functions of providing education and research. One of the main quality which made them the best hospital is a beautiful synergy of health services, education and research since planning. To achieve that, hospitals and faculty of medicine shoudh have the same vision which is to give the best for patients and students.”

To create a good health services, it needs a good collaboration from teaching hospitals and faculty of medicine. The better the collaboration, the better quality of health services, education, and research in both of the institutions.

Since 2010, UI has been integrated FMUI and RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo in a system called Academic Health System. This integration is a tools to achieve better of health services, education, and research for the society. Both of these institutions have the same vision and mission and implement it in an integrated strategic plan.

This collaboration have been extended as it involved other faculty in UI Health Sciences Group, which are the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Public Health, the Faculty of Nursing, and the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Puskesmas as a health facility at the primary level.

It has always been a source of pride for Universitas Indonesia, when its academic community loved their almamater and made many achievements. With the increase in the title of Professor, it is hoped that it can spur the spirit of other UI academics to continue to excel and be able to raise UI’s big name in the national and international arena.

(Public Relations FMUI)