FMUI’s Physicians Developed Foot Rest Based Cardiorespiratory Training Tool Model

FMUI continues to increase their number of Doctors, on Monday July 1st 2019, FMUI inaugurated dr. Listya Tresnanti Mirtha, SpKO as a Doctor with her dissertation titled “Foot Rest Based Cardiorespiratory Training Tool Model: Effectiveness on Physical Health of Sitting Down Workers

The dissertation was presented well in front of examiners, Prof. Dr. dr. Suhendro, SpPD-KPTI as the head examiner, and other examiners include Dr. dr. Basuni Radi, SpJP(K); Dr. dr. Dewi S. Soemarko, MS, SpOK; Dr. dr. Ani Retno Prijanti, MS; Dr. dr. M. Irfanudin, M.Pd. Ked, SpKO, and Dr. Ramdan Pelana, M.Or.

Dr. Listya’s, or also known as dr. Tata’s, dissertation studied about sedentary lifestyle on workers who spend majority of their time sitting down. Sedentary lifestyle can give a bad impact for physical health. This lifestyle became a huge drawback of this modernized technology era. These days the incidence of chronic disease and mental health problems are increasing. And there’s an epidemiological shift that show an increase in worker’s morbidity and mortality. On the other hand, workers are a potential group in order to improve Indonesian economy.

Workers are susceptible to non-communicable diseases because of their sedentary lifestyle, high level of stress, smoking habit, alcohol consumption and unhealthy diet. Prevalence of non-communicable disease in productive aged people affect worker’s productivity. Cardiovascular disease is responsible to 64% of mortality rate globally since 2014, with more than 80% mortality in developing countries. Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 and 2013 shows that 26,1% of Indonesian citizen is inactive and 2 out of 5 spends more than 3 to 5,9 hours every day being inactive.

Indonesian laws for workers stated that working hour per day is 8 hours/day for 5 days/week. Most of the workers working hour will be spent at work doing sedentary activities. Inactivity becomes the drawback of maintaining worker’s health that can increase productivity.

Physical activity is an important factor that determines someone cardiorespiratory health. Low cardiorespiratory endurance is a risk factor of coronary artery disease. Active lifestyle can reduce non-communicable disease to 6-10%, and can increase life expectancy. But what makes it difficult for workers to do physical activities are separated gym and work space, and many task to finish during working hours.

Physicians from Sports Medicine Division, Community Medicine Departemen, FMUI, dr. Listya Trenanti Mirtha, SpKO did a research based on the background previously explained. The research was done in three stages. Model development, model validity, and effectivity test.

The result of this study is a cardiorespiratory training devise for workers who spent most of their times sitting down, without having to leave their desk, and ergonomic for the body. It is called Kinesia. Kinesia comes from the word kinetic and Indonesia, that means it is a kinetic based physical activity model for Indonesian worker.

This model can make the body active when sitting down at work, especially the lower body part. But it is also ergonomic, so it doesn’t cause muscle fatigue. Other than that, statistically, the use of Kinesia is valid and reliable to increase cardiorespiratory endurance.

The presentation was closed with the Inauguration of dr. Listya Trenanti Mirtha, SpKO as a Doctor in Medical Science FMUI. The inauguration was done by Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB as the head of the hearing. Also seen in the hearing promotor dr. Muchtaruddin Mansyur, MS, SpOk, PhD and co-promotor Dr. dr. Minarma Siagian, MS, AIFO also Dr. dr. Tirza Z. Tamin, SpKFR(K).

(Public Relations FMUI)