Implementation of SDGs 17 at FKUI

17.3.1 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG1, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

Faculty of Medicine UI is committed to ensure equal opportunity for everyone to obtain their medical education at the Faculty. In order to that matter, number of scholarships have been given to students in need. With a total of 245 students in 2019 and 200 students in 2020, Faculty of Medicine UI has succesfully managed scholarships from DIKTI, BPUB, Ministry of Education, private companies and individuals.

17.3.2 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG2, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

FKUI has done tremendous action in order to achieve zero hunger in communities, such as contriving guide book on diets. There are a total of 9 books published with topics such as healthy diets from sustainable production, stunting prevention in children and the guide to diet in mothers. Moreover, these books are not only for parents but also targetted towards children, where children can learn in earlier age through comic books about the importance of vegetables and healthy diets. FMUI has food and beverage outlets (canteen) to provide a variety of healthy food and beverage options at affordable prices for employees, lecturers, students, and visitors.

17.3.3 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG3, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

The collaboration between Faculty of Medicine UI with local, national, or global health institutions to improve health and well-being outcomes have been held in 2019 with total number of 74 and 55 in 2020. Faculty of Medicine UI had also comitted to deliver outreach programmes and projects in the local community that include student volunteering programmes in order to improve or promote health and well-being including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, sports, exercise, aging well, and other health and well-being related topics.

17.3.4 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG4, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

Faculty of Medicine UI provides access to educational resources, such as computers, library, online courses, and access to lectures and also hosted events at university that are open to the general public: public lectures, community educational events. In 2019 FMUI had hosted in total 37 webinars and 63 webinars in 2020, both are open to public. FMUI also had held education outreach activities beyond campus and undertook educational outreach activities in local schools, in the community, such as community service.

Evidence :

17.3.5 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG5, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

Women student tracking access measures were carried out by The Admission Office of Universitas Indonesia, covering the application and acceptance rate withintegration of database and information system. The data in 2019 and 2020 showed that the number of female applicants and admissions were higher than males. This reflects that everyone is welcomed to study in Universitas Indonesia regardless gender, religion and ethnicity. Scholarships that have been distributed along the year to students have include both male and female. Female students that have accepted scolarships are about 40%. This represent the nonexistent of gender inequality when it comes to scholarship access.Universitas Indonesia always tracks women’s graduation rate for each semester. In 2019 and 2020 (first term), female graduates are higher than male. Female students also have lower rate of resignation and drop out than male. FMUI helps UI to achieve this data by periodic report. To  reach the goal of gender equality, FMUI has held a lot of woman empowering programs. This includes; woman health expo, JAKPROS (Jakarta Reproduksi Sehat), beauty class, aku mengenal diriku, parenting program and others. FKUI also provides mother’s room, which is a private room for women to lactate freely. Also, research about mother and child have also been conducted to improve their health, moreover FKUI has developed an app called IKO (Indonesian Kalkulator of Oocytes) , which is an app to estimate the amount of oocytes of women. FMUI also supports gender equality through promoting women in education and carrier. Universitas Indonesia has Rector’s regulation regarding alleged violation reporting system that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disanvantage principles. When a violation is suspected, it can be reported to the Whistle Blowing System Universitas Indonesia (WBS UI) or Sistem Pelaporan Dugaan Pelanggaran Universitas Indonesia (Sipduga UI).

Evidence :

17.3.6 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG6, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

The main source of water in FMUI comes form pipe based water (PAM) since the year 2019. Aside from that, instead of wasting water, we also recycle water. Recycled water will be used to flush toilets. Liquid waste is handled by using sewage treatment plan where it will be processed in the contact tank and be recycled in the water treatment plan where it will be held in the ground water tank. As for the laboratorium waste, it is handled by a certified personell. Universitas Indonesia provides free  drinking water for all faculty members and students, by placing drinking fountain facilities in all faculties mosque, and student facilities. Drinking fountains can be found in most faculties at UI. Drinking fountains are also available at other facilities that are frequently used by college students such as dormitories, and UI’s mosque. In the Faculty of Medicine, water reservoirs were installed and filled with clean water. The water reservoirs are used for washing hands before and after entering the  FMUI building area. The water is produced manually, by stepping on the pedal on the water reservoir with a regulated water discharge (One of the efforts to save water  and save electricity too)

17.3.7 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG7, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

The UI Faculty of Medicine has made efforts to reduce the energy consumption by using energy-efficient equipment in routine maintenance and development (e.g., replacement of conventional lamps with LEDs), publishing Dean’s decree on energy saving, implementation of smart buildings, renewable energy, use of timers on lighting panels for efficient use of energy. The Chancellor of the Universitas Indonesia has issued a green campus policy for the University of Indonesia (Keputusan Rektor UI No 2893/SK/R/UI/2018).

17.3.8 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG8, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

Employment practices in regards to staff living wage, union recognition, policies against exploitation, process to appeal followed university policies. Universitas Indonesia pays all staff and faculty at least the living wage, defined as the local living wage (Regional Minimum Wage). Universitas Indonesia employs both permanent civil servant and non-civil servant officers. It means that UI has to adjust its policy to align with the policy issued by the government, especially in its remuneration system. Universitas Indonesia applies the 3P remuneration system consisted of Pay for Person, Pay for Position, and Pay for Performance. In UI,  gender does not factor the disparity in the workers’ remuneration. Employment practices in regards to staff living wage, union recognition, policies against  exploitation, process to appeal, and outsourcing policy followed university policies. However, FMUI also has standardized salary for contract employees hired by FMUI which are continuously adjusted according to the regional minimum wage, university policies, and employee education level.

Evidence :

17.3.9 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG

Publish progress against against SDG9, either individually or within an annual report

●overall report
●separate report

University spinoffs have remarkably strengthened the linkage between universities and industry. The number of technology patents and spinoffs coming out of university research has a significant impact on regional economic and social development. Research and innovation partnerships with companies are significant to push forward the application of medicine or medical technology to increase the health quality of the community. By conducting spinoffs, also enhancing teaching and learning experience for lecturers and students. During the year 2019-2020 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia has numerous spinoffs with various fields of  industries. The spinoffs comprise of developing health devices, pharmacological research on efficacy and safety of the latest treatment or diagnostic procedures.

Evidence :

17.4.1 Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education

Have a commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university, in some programmes or in all programmes

• some programmes
• all programmes

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia is committed to providing quality education and teaching for students through a structured learning system with a curriculum that was designed in accordance with the competencies to be achieved according to the level of education of students; and unstructured learning program through organizing seminars, guest lectures and activities that are useful for improving public health in society. There were 30 seminars, guest lecture as  well as public service activities with various theme that was carried out in 2019 and 69 such those activities in 2020.