
Brosur PPDS FKUI 2020-2021 (Update 23 Nov 2020)

This program is profesional academic education program which produces graduates with master degree qualification in medical field and will be conferred with Magister Kedokteran (M.Ked) degree. Subsequently, the graduates will get Specialist Doctor-1 that is the second professional degree.

Profesional education aims to nurture graduates that has theoretical and practical ability to be expert in certain field so that they understand and are able to scientifically solve problems in the profession as well as value the professional ethics to be realized in the service to the public.

The curriculum is in accordance to the Indonesian Specialist Doctor Education Standard that has been regulated by Indonesian Medical Council.

Aim of Education

FKUI aspires to produce specialist-1 doctor that has academic competency of clinical medicine magister that according to the advancement of knowledge and technology as well as ability to extend second professional degree medical service.

Second pofesssional degree education is directed so that the graduates will posses:

  1. Ability to give service that is specialistic in the profession.
  2. Ability to develop knowledge, technology, culture and art which is specialistic in the profession.
  3. Ability to solve problem in the profession through research and service.
  4. Ability to do analysis to many developments in the profession.

Currently, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia has 31 (thirty one) Sp-1 study programs in various fields, namely:

No. Program Study Title Semester
1 Anestesiology Sp.An 8
2 Surgery Sp.B 9
3 Internist Sp.PD 9
4 Pediatric Sp.A 8
5 Obstetry and Ginekology Sp.OG 9
6 Neurology Sp.N 8
7 Psikiatri Sp.KJ 8
8 Ophtalmology Sp.M 8
9 Dermatology and Venereology Sp.DV 8
10 ENT Sp.THT 8
11 Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Sp.JP 9
12 Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Sp.P 8
13 Radiology Sp.Rad 8
14 Forensic & Medicolegal Sp.F 6
15 Anatomic Phatologic Sp.PA 7
16 Clinical Phatologic Sp.PK 8
17 Orthopaedi Sp.OT 10
18 Urology Sp.U 10
19 Neuro Surgery Sp.BS 11
20 Medical Rehabilitation Sp.RM 8
21 Plastic Surgery Sp.BP-RE 10
22 Sport Medicine Sp.KO 7
23 Clinical Microbiology Sp.MK 7
24 Clinical Pharmacology Sp.FK 7
25 Community Medicine Sp.Ok 6
26 Toraks & Kardiovaskuler Surgery Sp.BTKV 10 – General Practise/
7 – Sp.B
27 Oncology Radiation Sp.OnkRad 8
28 Flight Medicine Sp.KP 9
29 Clinical Nutrition Sp.GK 4
30 Clinical Parasitology Sp.ParK 6
31 Medic Acupunktur Sp.Ak 6

For futher information, please contact :
Secretariat of Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

FKUI Building 3rd Floor, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 6 – Jakarta Pusat
Telepon & Fax. 021 – 3153236 || Email : office@fk.ui.ac.id