Department of Medical Biology

General Information

Biology is a discipline about life. This term is taken from the Dutch language “biologie”, which is also derived from the Greek language, bios (“life”) and logos (“science”). From long time ago until 1970, the term “ilmu hayat” is used, taken from Arabian language, literally means science of life.

The scope of discussion of biology is very wide and includes all the organisms. Some branches from biology are popular including botany, zoology and microbiology. Various aspects of life are discussed. Physical properties are learnt in anatomy, its function in physiology, behavior in etology (both evolutionary biology and palaeobiology), and inheritance of properties in genetics. Currently there is even astrobiology that learns about the possibilities about other being in other planets. The development of technology has enabled research in level of molecular building block of organism as well as biochemistry that supported through computational technique in bioinformatics.

Biology had been developed much in the 19th century, when scientists suggested that organism has the core characteristics. Biology is now become the core subject in schools and universities all over the world, with thousands of scientific writing are made every year in biological and medical journals.  Healthcare service in the laboratory of Department of Biology includes service in reproduction (Andrology, Immunology Reproduction), Human Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology.

A.   Andrology and Reproductive Immunology

  • Sperm Analysis
  • In Vitro Sperm Migration Test
  • HOS (Hypo Osmotic Swelling) Test
  • Percentage of X and Y Sperm
  • Improvement of Sperm Quality for Artificial Insemination
  • Splitting of X and Y Sperm for Artificial Insemination
  • Sperm Penetration Test – Cervical Getah Servik
  • Cement Fructose Test
  • MAR (Mixed Antiglobulin Reaction) Tes

B.    Cytogenetic

  • Chromosom analysis and karyotyping
    These are for diagnostic for genetics case such as:
    Down Syndrome, Klinefelter Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, early detection in congenital defect
  • Sex Chromatin Analysis
    To determine gender

C.   Molecular Analysis of Azoospermia and Astenozoospermia Male

  • Microdeletion of Y Chromosome
  • Gen analysis of VDAC3

D.   Reproduction Hormone

  • FSH, LH, Prolactin, Estradiol, Progesteron, Testosteron Beta HCG

E.    Reproductive Immunology

  • Antisperm Antibody ( Modified Cibric Test and Isojima Test)
  • Survival Test

F.    Histology Examination for Testicle Biopsy


  1. Asmarinah, Dr. rer. nat, Msi
  2. Dwi Ari Pujianto, Drs, MS, PhD
  3. Dwi Anita Suryandari, Dr, Dra, M.Biomed
  4. Eldafira, Dra, Msi
  5. Herawati Aru Sudojo, dr, PhD
  6. Indra Gusti Mansur, Dr, dr, DHES, SpAnd
  7. Lutfi Hardiyanto, dr
  8. Luluk Yunaini, S.Si, M. Biomed
  9. Pudji Sari, Dra, MS
  10. Purnomo Suharso, Prof, Drs, PhD
  11. Silvia Werdhy Lestari, dr, M.Biomed
  12. Wahyuning Ramelan, Prof, Dr, dr, SpAnd
  13. Yurnadi, Dr, Drs, M.Kes

For further information, please contact:
Department of Medical Biology
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430
Telp. (021) 31930379
Fax. (021) 31907281